Sweet Indulgence . Bad Dog Studio at the Community Learning Center . 2019
Students learned everything about preparing desserts including gluten free options. The culinary arts-focused camp included following recipes, learning about cooking measurements and creating non-edible, dessert-inspired art.

Beautiful Mosaic Stepping Stones . Bad Dog Studio at the Community Learning Center . 2018
Created by elementary students in Art & Cooking Class. Bad Dog Arts hosted the class at the
Glendale - Mountain View Community Learning Center. The Stepping Stones will be placed in the
CLC Garden early this summer.
Hartland Partnership Center Mural . University Neighborhood Partners . 2011-2012 . Glazed 6” x 6” Border Tiles + Glazed 12” x 12” Inside Tiles
All good things take time and commitment. The ceramic tile mural for the new University Neighborhood Partners (UNP) Hartland Partnership Center facilitated by Bad Dog Arts is a great example. The idea and initial planning for the mural began in the spring of 2011. Almost two years later the completed 8½ feet tall and 7 feet wide mural was installed. The process was a collaboration of Bad Dog Arts staff and volunteers, UNP/ Hartland partners, Hartland residents and community members. The goal was to have a successful finished product that the entire community could be proud of and connect with, a mural that belonged to everyone.
Starting in the fall of 2011 through the spring of 2012 Bad Dog Arts met with each UNP/ Hartland partner group. The numbers in each group ranged from 5 to 30. Bad Dog artists facilitated sessions with members of each group to design an image that represented who they were and their roles in the community. Artists coached group members through the written word, brainstorming, and discussion, then taking the ideas back to the studio to translate the group ideas into a cohesive visual image. Once the design was created the group had the opportunity to give feedback and sign off on the design before the artwork began. All of the partner designs are the 12”x12” tiles. The large tree in the center represents the UNP Steering Committee.
The 6”x 6” tiles around the outside of the mural were designed by the youth in the community who attend classes with Bad Dog at the Hartland Youth Center. Glazing for all the tiles was a collaborative effort done by teens in the Youth Leadership Program, youth in the community, and by staff and volunteers at Bad Dog Arts.