Adult Tuition Waiver Form Class/Workshop 1st choice: * Class/Workshop 2nd choice: Name * First Name Last Name Birth Date * MM DD YYYY Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Primary Phone * (###) ### #### Second Phone (###) ### #### Email * Marital status * Married Divorced Separated Single Number in household (Adults and Children): * Does your family qualify for the Federal Free School Lunch Program? * Yes No Yearly Family Income: * Adjusted Gross Income: * Special financial considerations (please describe): What percentage of tuition reduction are you requesting? * * Tuition wavers require a 10% registration fee 100% 75% 50% 25% Could you contribute to tuition in other ways? * Volunteer Supplies Other (describe below) Proof of income is required - I have emailed a copy to * Most Current Tax Return Current W2 DWS Financial Benefit Statement Employer Verification Statement House Authority Annual Income Form Other (please specify below) I understand that all information I provide is private and confidential. By my signature below, I acknowledge that all of the above information is accurate and true. * Signature Date Signed * MM DD YYYY Thank you!